Funding Tribe Resources
Everything you could ever need to know!
We've got all the essential resources you need conveniently gathered in one location just for you!
Funding Tribe Zoom Room
Where everything happens! Sunday night meetings, accountability times, and more!
Funding Tribe GroupMe Chat
The place for our community to receive the latest communication, updates, and celebrate what the Lord is doing together!
Funding Tribe Online Course
Our course offers you 24/7 access to the process! Have a question or unsure what is next… the course is a great place to start.
Funding Tribe Payment Link
Get your payment taken care of so you can benefit from our world-class coaching services!
Funding Tribe Calendly (April)
Book your one- on- one here! Be prepared with questions, ready to share how support is coming, and to celebrate your growth!
Daily Report
Tell the Funding Tribe team what you did each day. Every time you work on support, submit this report at the end of the day.
Weekly Report
If it isn’t documented, then it didn’t happen! Share what you did this week with the Funding Tribe team. Reports are due Saturday at midnight.
2024 Weekly Report
2024 Coaching Cohort Weekly Report. Submit this report by Friday of each week.
The Process.
NetCasting Tracker
The Original Namestorming Tracker. You will need to make a copy to create yours. Name it “Your Name Namestorming Doc.”
Once created please move it into THIS FOLDER and share with,, and Please make sure you send a email letting us know you’ve created and shared it.
Tracking Document
The Original Tracking Doc. You will need to make a copy to create yours. Name it “Your Name Tracking Doc.”
Once created, please move it into THIS FOLDER and share it with,, and Please make sure you send an email letting us know you’ve created and shared it.
Digital Brochure
Introduce yourself, tell them what makes your ministry unique, and ask them to have a meeting with you!
Tribe Tracker
All of your progress will be saved and monitored here! Just don’t forget to always keep this updated.
Presentation Template
You are telling the story of you and your ministry and inviting others into it! Use this template to create your presentation. You can customize it if you’d like.
Email Templates
We’ve made it easy with email, phone, and text templates to use throughout the step process! Stuck for words? Chances are there is a template for that!
Tools and Resources.
In person meetings are the best, but that aunt that lives on the other side for the country can be met with via zoom for sure!
You will use this to send out your mass email and it’s great for regular mail updates as well! Pro tip: download the app, and you can resend to all unopened subscribers the next day!
Mail Merge
You can send the same individual email 125 times or you could send them all at once while still looking individualized.
Email Tracker
Great for seeing if people are opening and reading your email communication!
Information Gathering Sites
Here are some sites that can help find people’s contact information!
Namestorming Tool
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
Weekly Schedule
Failing to plan, is planning to fail. Use this schedule to plan when you are working on support during your week.
Say Hello!
(312) 380-9857