Xzavier Torres | Laboring for His Glory

Coming from a nonbelieving household, Xzavier found himself placing a lot of hope in the temporary pleasures of life, such as academics, partying, and thievery. By God’s grace and the faithful efforts of another Campus Outreach worker at his college, Xzavier heard the good news of Jesus Christ. By the end of his first year at school, Xzavier realized his need to trust in Jesus as Savior and turn away from his sin to pursue Christ as Lord.

Throughout his final years on campus, Xzavier witnessed first-hand the brokenness of college students and their need for the hope and life that only Christ is able to provide. Feeling this sense of burden for the lost, Xzavier has taken up the calling of full-time ministry on the college campus, where he hopes to see the Lord work miraculously to bring thousands of his people to himself.

Will you consider investing in his ministry?


Faithful Minister.

A minister of the gospel who is committed to making Christ known to the lost world.

Disciple Maker.

A devoted laborer with a passion for making disciples who make disciples.

Minority Missionary.

A Latin-American missionary in a world where less than 2% of Christian missionaries are Hispanic.

Set a 30-minute meeting, and I promise it will be worth your time. - Xzavier

Thank you for continuing to pray and partner with us as we seek to build a new generation of laborers for Christ.