Tim Miles | Multiplying Multi-Ethnic Leaders


In 2008, Tim came to Christ his freshman year at Berry College and was discipled through Campus Outreach. In 2012, Tim helped pioneer a new region in Houston, Texas, starting at the University of Houston. They witnessed the beauty of the Gospel transform college students’ hearts through bold evangelism and life-on-life discipleship. Almost 10 years later, Tim has a similar opportunity to help build a new ministry in Chicago. Tim’s prayer is that the team would experience God’s faithfulness to build multi-ethnic laborers from the campus for the lost world. There are 148 colleges and universities and 500k+ college students in and around Chicago. “The harvest is plentiful”. Matt. 9:35-38

Will you consider investing in the ministry?


Equipped Disciple Maker.

An equipped disciple maker with 10+ years of experience in preaching the Gospel and discipling students to disciple others.

Movement Leader.

An experience pioneer of building a multi-ethnic regional movement for the advancement of God’s kingdom. click here

Minority Missionary.

A part of the 1% of Black missionaries currently on the mission field. Of which the college campus is one of the most strategic places. click here

Set a 30-minute meeting, we promise it will be worth your time.
— Tim

Thank you for continuing to pray and partner with us as we seek to build a new generation of laborers for Christ. God is faithfully using your partnership to impact the college campus, the church, and the world for the glory of God.