Text Message Scripts

Communicate quickly and effectively with our ready-to-use text message scripts. Ideal for reminders, updates, or personalized notes to stay connected.

Hi [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name]. I’d love to set up a time to meet and share about what God has been doing in the ministry. Let me know what works best for you, and we’ll make it happen!

Text Message 1:
Initial Contact

Hi [Recipient’s Name], just following up on the email I sent. I’d really love to schedule a meeting with you to share some updates about the ministry and hear about what’s going on in your life. Let me know what works for you!

Text Message 2:
Follow-Up to Email

Hi [Recipient’s Name], I wanted to check in and see if we could schedule a time to meet. I’d love to share more about the ministry and connect with you. Let me know when you’re available!

Text Message 3: Gentle Nudge

Hi [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name]. I’d still love to set up a meeting with you to share about what God has been doing and catch up with you. Let me know if there’s a time that works for you!

Text Message 4: More Direct

Hi [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name]. I wanted to follow up one last time to see if we could schedule a meeting. If now isn’t a good time, no problem, just let me know. If you are open, let me know what works, and we’ll make it happen. Thanks so much!

Text Message 5:
Final Follow-Up