Philip Thomas l Building Kingdom Leaders


February 21st, 2009, Phil Thomas prayed to receive Christ at a Campus Outreach Charlotte "Winter Retreat." Little did he know that over the next 10+ years, God would begin to reveal His incredible plans for Phil's life. Phil has had opportunities to preach the gospel to thousands of leaders who would go on to impact the next generation! From building movements, to pioneering campuses, and leading teams, projects, conferences, and so much more; Phil has positioned himself to continue experiencing the Lord's hand move on the frontlines of college ministry. With easily over 500 thousand college students in NC alone, Phil's prayer is that God would use him and our TRIBE to truly transform leaders for God's kingdom!

Will you consider investing in my ministry?


Missionary Launchpad.

Not only are you investing in me as a missionary, but in the past 10 years, God has used this ministry to launch over a dozen missionaries all over the world. Your investment has a global impact! Read update: Reaching The Nations

Multiplying Laborers.

Bill Bright said, "If we can win the university today, we will win the world tomorrow." We believe that if we can reach, disciple, and multiply Christ into the lives of these students, that every facet of the world can be influenced for Christ! Greensboro has served as a strategic place to see leaders trained and sent back out to influence the world! Read More

Minority Leadership.

Did you know that only 1% of missionaries in the world are African Americans. You're not just investing in me as a minority leader, you're investing in all the young men and women many of them minorities who will follow in our footsteps. Read the article here.

Set a 15-30 minute meeting, I promise it will be worth your time.
— Phil

Thank you for continuing to pray and partner with us as we seek to build a new generation of laborers for Christ. God is faithfully using your partnership to impact college campuses around the world.