Moises and Kyndal Sandoval | Missionaries on the College Campus


Moises and Kyndal both have a strong desire to see people follow Jesus throughout their life. Both Moises and Kyndal graduated from Sam Houston State University and got married in July 2020. As the Sandoval family formed they decided to give up their life to serve college students in hopes that students at Sam Houston State University would come to know Christ and have a personal relationship with Him. The Sandoval's trust that God is moving and working on the college campus. They have seen men and women's lives transformed as they learn how to walk closely with Christ setting a foundation for their life. The Sandoval's want to see disciples raised up and multiplied so that we can see Godly men and women sent out into our communities, work places, and among the nations.

Will you consider being a part of this movement and partnering with us as we see the gospel be sent out?


Gospel Messengers.

Primary focus is sharing the good news of Christ with the lost on the college campus.

Disciple Makers.

Our vision is to live life on life, building relationships individually and within a community. We want to see leaders raised up equipped to read Gods word, and share the love of Christ with others and the next generation.

Global Senders.

Our hope is to send out Christian leaders into the world to make more disciples so that we may see the Kingdom of God advance and grow.

Set a 30-minute meeting, we promise it will be worth your time.
— Moises and Kyndal

Thank you for continuing to pray and partner with us as we seek to build a new generation of laborers for Christ. God is faithfully using your partnership to impact college campus around the world.