Michael Crespo | Pastoral Resident


Mike’s heart beats for Christ to be proclaimed and exalted in the life of the local church and its members. After years of being raised in a Christian home yet not fully devoting his life to Christ, the Lord would lead him to a place of repentance and re-dedication in 2011, placing a desire in his heart to pastor in late 2012. Mike has served the local church as a worship leader, teacher, and preacher, willing to do whatever is needed to encourage and equip others to make much of Jesus. Mike desires to take his education and church experience, and minister to second and third generation ethnic minorities like himself throughout the inner city. He believes their unique perspective and insight has much to offer the church and society in the years to come!

Will you consider investing in the ministry?


Theologically Trained

Receiving formal theological training and passing it on to the next generation of ethnic minority church leaders.

Ambitious Visionary

Desires to launch a network of church plants through neighborhood cafés located in under resourced minority ethnic communities.

Joyfully Mestizo

Finding joy and purpose in knowing I've been created purposefully in a way to mediate between cultures and ethnicities.

Set a 30 minute meeting, I promise it will be worth your time.

Thank you for continuing to pray and partner with us as we seek to build up laborers and ambassadors for Christ. God is faithfully using your partnership to impact the lives of others with the hope of the Gospel.