Jackson Gaulke | Engaging the College Campus

Jackson came to faith in his Junior year at the University of South Carolina. At a time of loss and confusion, he met a staff member who was working with Campus Outreach at the university. After hearing the gospel, Jackson gave his life to Jesus soon after and became involved with the ministry for the remainder of his time in school. It was during those last two years that he began to have a heart for ministry and for engaging the college campus. As Jackson saw more of his brokenness and the hope found in Christ, he desired to share that hope with others. He now seeks to support Campus Outreach by working in the resource office and assisting the on-campus staff at the University of South Carolina.

Will you consider investing in his ministry?


Relationship Builder.

Builds and desires strong relationships that hold a team together and make it greater than the sum of its parts.

Strategic Thinker.

Absorbs and analyzes information that informs better decisions. Seeks to maximize the resources that are available.


Recognizes and cultivates the potential in others. Spots the signs of each small improvement and derives satisfaction from evidence of progress.

Set a 30-minute meeting, and I promise it will be worth your time. - Jackson

Thank you for continuing to pray and partner with us as we seek to build a new generation of laborers for Christ.