Emily Walters | Laborer for the Lost

Emily gave her life to Christ in the fall of 2018, her freshman year of college. She was no longer bound by sin and trying to control what only God can control. Since then, Emily has been devoted to following Christ and sharing her faith with those who do not know Jesus and those who want to grow in their walk with God. She has seen girls come to know the Lord while at Campbell and wants to continue to see more and more college students know and enjoy God. In 2022 and beyond, she has felt God's calling to go and make disciples of all nations.

Will you consider walking alongside her and investing in her ministry?


Disciple Producer.

Teaching and walking alongside women who want to grow closer to God and get to know him more and more each and every day.

Devoted Follower.

Wanting to grow in her own walk with God while trusting the Lord with every aspect of her life first. Reading the word and worshipping God every chance she gets.


Creating friendships on campus and skilled in using social media to present the gospel, promote ministry events and create community.


Set a 30-minute meeting, I promise it will be worth your time. - Emily


Thank you for continuing to pray and partner with us as we seek to build a new generation of laborers for Christ.