Drew Richardson | Discipling the Next Generation

In middle school, Drew gave his life to Christ, but it wasn't until college that he truly began placing God on the throne of his life every single day. The people within Campus Outreach played a substantial role in exemplifying this journey, while the surrounding community consistently showcased a deep devotion to God. Motivated by his desire to make God known to the lost world around him, Drew decided to come on staff with Campus Outreach. He is passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and helping raise up laborers who can go out and boldly share the Gospel wherever they go.

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Kingdom Mindset.

Drew is convinced that the Gospel is greater than anything this world can or ever will offer.

Servant Leader.

A laborer who prioritizes the people and their needs to serve them well.

World Changer.

Drew is convinced that God uses every conversation and interaction to change the world.

Set a 30-minute meeting, and I promise it will be worth your time. - Drew

Thank you for continuing to pray and partner with us as we seek to build a new generation of laborers for Christ.