Chase Walker | Multiplying Kingdom Laborers

Chase works with college students because he sees so much missed potential, where he wants to see leaders. In his fraternity in college, too many of Chase’s brothers were set up for a life of high achievement as investment bankers, doctors, accountants, etc., but lacked a real sense of personal purpose. Primarily, this was because they didn’t know the Creator and Redeemer who saves us, fulfills us and sends us back into the world with his message. For the past 6 years, Chase has been bringing that message to college students, convinced that the Lord will do this in their lives, leading them to humbly walk with the Lord and earnestly work for His Kingdom. Chase’s prayer is that through this ministry, 75 students would come to faith in Jesus Christ in the next 4 years at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

Will you consider investing in his ministry?


Skilled Minister.

A minister with 6 years of experience and training in preaching the gospel and making disciples that make disciples.

Adaptive Leader.

A leader always learning about how the gospel impacts the rapidly-changing culture and every individual student.

Effective Teacher.

A teacher who is passionate about helping students apply God's Word to all of life.

Set a 30-minute meeting, I promise it will be worth your time. - Chase

Thank you for continuing to pray and partner with us as we seek to build a new generation of laborers for Christ.