Biblical Fundraising in Ministry

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Support raising is vital to many ministries, but it can raise questions about its alignment with biblical principles. In this blog, we explore whether support raising is in harmony with the teachings of the Bible.

Is Support Raising Biblical?

The answer is a clear "YES." Throughout the Old and New Testaments, we find examples of individuals called by God for various ministries who received support from the community of believers. From Moses and David to Jesus and Paul, these servants of God answered His call and called upon others to invest in their endeavors. This practice of ministry support spans generations and underscores its biblical foundation.

Let's examine some key biblical passages that shed light on the concept of support raising:

1: Nehemiah 2:1-9: A Bold Request

The story of Nehemiah, a young cupbearer, presents a striking example. He approached King Artaxerxes, one of the most powerful men in the world, to seek support for the calling the Lord had given him. Nehemiah's careful planning, prayer, and courageous request showcase the importance of taking calculated risks in faith.

2. Luke 10:1-8: Trusting in God's Provision

When Jesus sent out His disciples, He instructed them to rely on God's provision. Although modern missionaries don't need to leave their wallets at home, this illustrates God's desire to be acknowledged as the ultimate provider for His workers. This faith-based support is a central theme in ministry.

3. 1 Corinthians 9:9-14: The Right to Compensation

In this passage, Paul emphasizes that gospel workers have the right to receive compensation. Ministry workers should not hesitate to seek financial support from the community of believers as an expression of God's provision. This reflects the biblical principle of ministry fundraising.

4. 3 John 1:5-8: Partnering for the Truth

Apostle John praises the church for supporting traveling Gospel ministers, highlighting that believers become "fellow workers for the truth" when they offer support. This encompasses financial aid, prayer, encouragement, and livelihood support, integral to biblical ministry funding and inviting others to partner with you.

5. Philippians 4:14-19: Collaborative Ministry

Paul's gratitude for the Philippians' support is evident. He wishes for more churches to partner with him, not for personal gain, but for the spiritual benefits of partnership. This passage underscores the importance of collaboration in ministry support across multiple churches.

6. Romans 16:1-2: The Role of Generosity

Paul speaks highly of Phoebe, a woman who generously supported many. This highlights the significant role of even wealthy individuals in ministry fundraising and financial support.

In conclusion, these biblical passages provide strong support for fundraising in ministry. It is not only acceptable but encouraged by Scripture. It is a practice rooted in faith, recognizing God as the ultimate provider and offering an opportunity for believers to become "fellow workers for the truth." If support raising makes you uneasy, take comfort in these passages and ask God to strengthen your faith as you build partnerships to advance His mission.


Time Management Tips for Fundraisers


Answering God's Call