Princess-Yvonna | Paris, France Missionary

Princess-Yvonna has always been drawn to her global neighbors. Since she was little, she took an interest in learning about unique languages, cultures, and backgrounds. Amazed at how God has made everyone in His beautiful image, she began serving short-term on international service trips in 2017. By 2018, she heard the Lord's call to pursue a career in global missions. Following the Lord's leading, she finished her higher education, joined EFCA ReachGlobal as a full-time missionary, and committed to the ReachGlobal-Paris-France-City Team. God clarified His call for her to serve in France specifically after he revealed that Paris is the place to transform the nations as it's one of the most influential cities worldwide. She has been used to nurture many children, immigrants, refugees, widows, and orphans across the globe. She has a vision to continue helping the least of these for many years. She looks forward to establishing missions and humanitarian initiatives by strengthening church laborer in the EFCA. She invites others to join her in extending a hand to the lost and hurting and making the love of Christ known internationally.

Will you consider investing in her ministry?


Intentionally Dedicated.

Princess-Yvonna focuses on God's long-term restoration, and her conscientious mindset significantly impacts global missions. 

Generously Compassionate.

She extends empathy to the weak and downcast. 


Without fail, she reflects the love of Jesus in her smile.

Set a 30-minute meeting, and I promise it will be worth your time. - Princess-Yvonna

Thank you for continuing to pray and partner with us as we seek to build a new generation of laborers for Christ.