Nate Marsh | Raising Laborers for the Lost World

Growing up, Nate would have always said he was a Christian, but he didn’t truly know God until his first year in college. That’s where God changed his life. He went from being a young college student who idolized success, relationships, and self to someone who desires to know God and make Him known. Now, he is on a mission to raise up leaders on college campuses—students who will carry their faith into every career field, relationship, and community they are part of.

God’s call to “make disciples of all nations” commands His people to share the gospel unashamedly. Nate’s prayer and vision are to see God begin a movement on the college campus, with thousands of students coming to faith in Christ. The goal is for these young adults to grow in their faith, learn what it means to walk with God, and lead others to do the same. This isn’t just a mission—it’s a movement, and he is inviting others to be part of it.

Will you consider investing in his ministry?


Changing Eternities.

Reaching thousands of college students with the gospel.

Developing Leaders.

Building leaders on the college campus to lead spiritually and professionally.

Glorifying God.

Obeying Christ's command in Mark 16 to go and proclaim the gospel.

Set a 30-minute meeting, and I promise it will be worth your time. - Nate

Thank you for continuing to pray and partner with us as we seek to build a new generation of laborers for Christ.