Maddie Goodrum | Building Lifelong Spiritual Laborers

Being raised in a loving Christian home, Maddie assumed she was a Christian and tried to live as a good person. While in college, through the ministry of Campus Outreach (CO), she came to understand God's saving and redeeming work through Christ alone. Growing in spiritual maturity meant developing a desire to see others experience the transformation that she did. Maddie recognizes the immense value of investing in college students, just as someone once did for her. She is now a part of students coming to saving faith on the college campus, finding it both a joy and a privilege.

Will you consider investing in her ministry?


Servant Leader.

Jesus came not to be served but to serve. Maddie strives to love her students by serving them through hospitality, gently correcting them with truth, and genuinely caring for their lives.

Empathetic Empowerer.

Maddie seeks to understand how God has made the women she ministers to so that she can empower them in the areas of their lives and stories that are lacking the freedom of the Gospel.

Faithful Laborer.

Two years of ministry at SEU has been a joy for Maddie, even through the trials. God has called her to this campus, and she is committed to making laborers there until He calls her elsewhere to continue doing the same.

Set a 30-minute meeting, and I promise it will be worth your time. - Maddie

Thank you for continuing to pray and partner with us as we seek to build a new generation of laborers for Christ.