Deja Jones | Building Laborers for the Lost World

Deja accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior in the summer of 2019. She began to find joy in sharing the gospel because she knew that it was good enough to be shared and heard by all people. Seeing and witnessing students go from death to life has brought her true joy and has influenced her to accept a full-time position as a staff member at the Sam Houston State campus in Huntsville, TX.

As she caters to all the young women who step foot on the Sam Houston campus, she has a vision to help them know the gospel and to encourage them to live for Him daily. Overall, she aims to help young women find rest, peace, and joy in their eternal-life-changing decisions and build them up to share their faith with full confidence on and off campus.

Will you consider investing in her ministry?


Diversity Builder.

A rare commodity because only 1% of missionaries in the world are African American.

Charismatic Leader.

Being eager and empathetic as she aspires to build genuine relationship with students in order to lead and love them well.

World-Changing Visionary.

Committed to seeing student leaders share the gospel throughout their time on campus, preparing them to have the boldness and desire to share it once they graduate.

Set a 30-minute meeting, and I promise it will be worth your time. - Deja

Thank you for continuing to pray and partner with us as we seek to build a new generation of laborers for Christ.